Content Development - Evoke International - Marketing & PR Agency Dubai Skip to content

creative content development

"There is no reason why challenging themes and engaging stories have to be mutually exclusive – in fact, each can fuel the other. … If out of that comes a greater awareness and understanding of a time or a circumstance, then the hope is that change can happen."
- Edward Zwick

Everything today is about relevancy and RoI – Is it relevant, wanted and desired by your target audience and how do you know? More importantly, what’s your measurable RoI? We design your content from the ground up – knowing, not guessing, what your audience wants and needs in line with your company goals, needs and growth.

CONTENT IS OUR THING – We are a fully fledged content factory, designing any and everything you need from brochures, to websites to full media productions and documentaries.

We even tackle all of your social media content development for daily posting, including full scheduling, programming and boosting services 30-days at a time – so you never need to worry about a thing!

We’ve got you covered!

For brands who want an always on and always relevant multi-channel engagement strategy, we offer:

Creative / Content Services

brand guidelines

marketing & promotional collateral


advertising & broadcast media (print, radio, TV)

daily social media content

corporate videos


Creative Content Development - Evoke International PR Dubai Marketing UAE

web development

When you meet with new clients or give presentations, everyone makes sure they have their best foot forward, as first impressions are often long lasting – yet so many companies make the mistake of just ‘getting something up there’ for their websites, without taking the time to consider the content or the damage it could be creating for your company by making the wrong impression.

In today’s era of instant information, your website is often your first impression, and clients, deals and contracts can be lost with the click of a button – if you’re not portraying the best version of your company or yourself. We know exactly how to tailor a website to suit your needs, image and business goals – without breaking the bank.

redefining inspiration

Media Production

We can provide full production capability, including local and international crewing, post production facilities, within or outside the target country, and media buying to maximize viewing opportunity. We take into account the sophistication of the media environment and compliment traditional dissemination with new digital media forms (social media and online campaigns) and innovative solutions such as SMS, web portals, email, CDs, USBs and similar to reach remote and isolated populations.
Evoke International Dubai


We currently have a complete rapid-reaction capability in the U.S., Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, accompanied with strategic communications thinking that goes significantly beyond current models.

We innovate and continually evolve our products based on the ever-changing media environment, our daily research reporting, media analysis, strategic messaging, behavioral forecasting, cultural needs, target audience and market trends and political dynamics.

We push for active client involvement throughout the development process of our strategy and products whilst adhering to a strict program of quality control.


Our complete suite of social campaign management, content marketing and social customer care infrastructures can help your brand, organization or campaign identify and engage with the people who matter most across every social channel. We can help you with calendaring, flags, tags, social inbox, collaborative routing, CRM integration, content development, targeting, placement and social advertising – allowing you to connect more closely with customers, while also making your brand stronger, safer and more informed.

The use of podcasts and other electronic viral marketing techniques are still in their infancy outside of the western market. We are changing this and encourage the transmission of our client’s products via existing social networks, delivering strategic messages. Client’s are provided with a podcast high bandwidth RSS server that will manage media and high volume consumer downloads. It will also contain a web interface used to upload media content to the server and manage the content. Click below for more information on our Digital and Social marketing.

Content Development - Evoke International - Marketing & PR Agency Dubai


We can facilitate global, regional or local media buying need for our clients - to include creating full media buying plans according to target audiences and areas for both digital and traditional marketing. We have a complete suite of alternative media buying solutions in addition to our programmatic, biddable, eCommerce and other social media buying offers, as well as organic and free media options.

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The assessment gives us the foundation to improve you or your organizations access to existing and emerging markets, make a name for itself, change perceptions and win new business. It will also establish the core identity that will guide and protect the corporation for many years to come, improve its human resources, and create the systems, skills and processes that will let it continue or begin to function as a cohesive unit. This also gives your organization the ‘feel’ it desires, and the ability to act energetically and proactively. Planning and codifying internal communication procedures as soon as possible will also help ensure an organization’s employees are informed, happy, able to meet the challenges of the outside world and ultimately be more productive – creating genuine and organic external communications.